Samstag, 18. April 2015

Raspberries...for breakfast!

Nice saturday breakfast morning with my kids. Today we had some whole wheat cereal  bread with cream cheese and jam. For the vitamin part we were provided with sliced pear and banana. And of course for mommy a delicious cup of coffee. Couldn't we just always start the day like this?

Dienstag, 14. April 2015

blob blob blob....It´s gone!

5 days-week healthy lunch plan

I prepared a Lunch Round up for you to consider a 5 days-week plan. So you can pre-plan and budget your school week avoiding any kind of stress in the morning asociated with your kid´s school lunch. A positive side afect: you save money by making a clever grocery list in advance.

Don´t mind to catch some ideas for your own kids lunch box. 

Day 1

01 portion of grapes
02 portion of cantaloupe melon
03 whole wheat sandwich with creme cheese, cheddar cheese and turkey breast

you can add: 
sliced carrots
trail mix
cherry tomatoes

Day 2

 01 portion of papaya cut out in diferent  
      shapes (heart, circle, triangle...)
02  cereals mix (oat, amaranth, almond,  
      pecan, a few chocolate pieces)
03 plain yoghurt

The kids have the option to combine cereals and yogurth or they eat for separate

Day 3

01 banana pancakes with jam
02 sliced plum
03 homemade cereal choco chip balls

you can add: 
sliced carrots
cherry tomatoes

Day 4

01 mix of grapes and strawberries
02 rice waffle with cream cheese and ham
03 organic bear chocolate cookies

you can add: 
sliced carrots
bell pepper
cherry tomatoes

Day 5

01 wheat tortilla with chicken
02 sliced apple with funny shapes

you can add: 
sliced carrots
trail mix
cherry tomatoes

So dear moms just do have fun and let´s go for school lunch!